Hi, we want to inform you our news:
16.09.99/8:30 Two new units on our page - Board of the messages and our small gift to you - the one who does not give us to remain without the Internet (large to you a THANK!!!), and also everyone, who visits ours page - small lottery and draw of prizes ($ 10.000 we do not promise, but for small surprises and gifts can expect!). Come on ours site later, we think, by a weekend ~19/09/99 or in the beginning of the next week all will be ready (see sections Win your Prize! and Board of the messages ). We want to tell a thank to our sponsors and their sponsorship, also we search for other sponsors for addition on our page. Your offers send on
06.09.99/19:30 Now there is a work above addition of our site by various figures useful information, ours new photos :) etc. We think, you can all this see little bit later, come - u will not regret.
Some people ask, as we manage to write without mistakes, we answer: all of us write in Word ver. XX, we shall study Excel lately - the tables will see ;) Also ask, why we write in English, you see in Russian is simple:) It is simple, we want, that our site should can read the people all over the world and universe (there at them, probably, connection 1 Million Gb/sec. :))
Now before us there is a following problem - money comes to an end which we have paid for the Internet, remained approximately on 6 hours, and that if to sit night :( , if who can help by what advice (or money:)), send the help (moral or financial) on or